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How it Works

  1. Click PLACE YOUR ORDER above or call (757) 801.9950.

  2. A volunteer from your local community will assist you with your order and delivery schedule. 

  3. How to pay:

    • Call a participating grocery store or pharmacy in advance to place your order and to pay via credit card over the phone. Let them know Shore Delivery Corps will be picking it up on your behalf.

  4. A volunteer will schedule the delivery to your doorstep, including your receipt in the delivery bag.

Call Center Hours:

Tuesday & Thursday; every 4th Wednesday:
9:30 am - 3:30 pm


CLOSED: Monday, Friday and Sunday

Delivery Hours:

Tuesday & Thursday; every 4th Wednesday: 
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

CLOSED: Monday, Friday and Sunday

Our Protocol

Health Guidelines:

Not every COVID-19 carrier is symptomatic, and we cannot completely eliminate risk. With that in mind, we have implemented the following safety guidelines to minimize any potential transmission of the novel coronavirus.

All our volunteers confirm that they:

  • Have not traveled out of the country in the last 14 days

  • Are not exhibiting any signs of compromised health (e.g. runny nose, cough, fever, etc.)

  • Have not come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days 

  • Have been practicing social distancing


We ask our volunteers to wear gloves during deliveries, as well as recommend volunteers avoid touching unnecessary items and utilize a self-checkout option if available. Volunteers are additionally requested to take every CDC-approved safety precaution, including:

  • Washing hands frequently with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer

  • Refraining from touching their face after having been outside

  • Sneezing or coughing into their elbow

  • Practicing “social distancing” -- staying indoors, avoiding crowds, staying 6 feet away from other people if you have to go outside

Delivery Protocol

Volunteers have little to no contact with the recipient upon delivery:

  • Delivery arrangements will be coordinated at the time of the request.  Our volunteers will place items at or near the doorstep.  Listen for a jingle on your telephone, a knock on the door or a ring of the doorbell!  Minimal to no contact is key!

  • Payment types will be either Credit Card or Paypal. If payment cannot be made, let us know for further assistance.

Consider a donation.
All donations allow this complimentary service to continue to serve our at-risk community members, keeping them safe and stopping the spread.

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Follow us!

Contact us:

(757) 678.3334

Call Center Hours:
Thursdays and
Every 4th Wednesday: 
9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Sunday:  CLOSED

Delivery Hours:

Thursdays and

Every 4th Wednesday

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Effective September 1, 2021, all deliveries will be made by Wave Riders, a transportation and delivery service on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

This mission is being accomplished in partnership with Eastern Shore of Virginia Community Foundation and United Way of Virginia's Eastern Shore.

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